What is the TIR Carnet?
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February 26, 2024TIR CONVENTION was concluded in Geneva in 1975.
Romania acceded to the TIR Convention through State Council Decree no. 420 of 1979, published in the Official Gazette no. 98/10.12.1979.
TIR operation allows the transport of goods without unloading and reloading, across one or more borders, from a customs office of departure of a contracting party to a customs office of destination of another contracting party, or of the same contracting party, in vehicles road, vehicle assemblies or in containers, provided that part of the route between the start of the T.I.R. and its end to be a road route.
The goods circulate under the cover of a TIR carnet, which has a double value: customs transit declaration and guarantee document. This carnet is issued to transporters by the guarantor associations approved by the customs authority in each signatory country.
Following the amendment of the TIR Convention, entered into force in 1999, the access of transporters to the TIR regime is approved by the customs authority.
Starting with January 1, 2007, Romania, as a member state, applies the TIR Convention respecting the related particularities, respectively the European Union is considered a single territory from the point of view of using the TIR regime. In this sense, the TIR carnet can be used in the European Union when:
- TIR operation starts outside the EU and ends in the EU;
- transit operation starts in the EU and ends outside the EU;
- operation starts and ends outside the EU, with the transit of the EU territory.
- operation begins and ends in the EU, with the transit of a third country, which is a contracting party to the TIR Convention.
Source customs.ro